Tuesday, December 19, 2006

From Retired Chief, an update plus some new items:

Pastor Ed,
You're probably aware of how the weather here has affected many families and business'. Fortunately we only lost power for a couple of hours, however, our online services have been sporatic. I'm just getting down to catching up on the news.

As for other things, this past wed I had to take Yvonne to the clinic because she kept falling by that time she was so covered in bruises, they decided it was best to have her taken to Virginia Mason in Seattle so a complete check up can be done. This was about 5:00 in the afternoon. By the time the tests were completed, it was nearly midnight. There were no broken bones, and blood test were neg but the urine checked showed a very extreme bladder infection that may be the source of her inbalance. Anyway, we did finally get home early the next morning. Since then it has been hard to take care of her and see to the other items that need to be done.

Von's sister has hired a Lawyer to see if we cant get Von on some kind of SSDI, but so far it still doesn't look good. Even though she has worked and paid into the Social Security for over 10 yrs we have been informed she doesn't qualify because she didn't work during the time ( 1980 - 1990). As you know we made the decision to have her leave the work force and become a stay at home Mom. both for Matt's sake and her health.

Von is still doing things she isn't supposed to like getting up and walking without assistance, and since her hospital visit, she has fallen 6 times.

That just about covers things in the past week please keep her in your prayers.

Thank you

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